4 Ways to Get a Woman to Have Sex With You and Not Reject Your Advances

4 Ways to Get a Woman to Have Sex With You and Not Reject Your Advances [ad_1]
All partners in a relationship want to have great sex. But in reality, not many partners enjoy each other in bed. Sex is a frustrating experience for quite a number of couples, rather than a thing of joy. How can you begin to have great sex then?

The first thing is to realize that a woman needs to be warm up before she can get into the full act. A man gets aroused sincerely by the sight of a beautiful woman. Merely seeing a naked woman could drive him wild and get him ready for sex immediately.

Women, however, are slower in reacting comparatively.

1 To get your woman to enjoy sex with you, first of all, you must first of all win her mind. A woman's main sex organ is her brain. If she must allow you to have sex with her, then she must have accepted you in her mind first of all. Otherwise, it could have likened to raping her.

2 When a woman does not accept you in her mind, then she is not likely to want to sleep with you. Therefore, to have successful sex with your female partner, you must first of all win her mind. This you can do by paying attention to simple details.

3 Pay her as many compliments as you can through the whole day. Look for good things about her to admire. If you think there's nothing to talk about, take a look at her hair. If it's a new hairdo, let her know it looks good on her. Admire her dress, and other things about her.

4 By doing this, you are preparing her mind for great sex later on. Ladies are very happy when complimented on their looks. (If in doubt, that's the secret of playboys.) Conversely, they are very frustrated when they are not complimented. It makes them feel unnoticed and unloved.

How would you like to be the person who always has a great time in bed? The people you admire for their great sex life have secret methods and products that they use to their great advantage. You can also get the same secrets here [http://www.MoreThanMySalary.com] and use them to enjoy yourself everyday.


Source by Peter Davids


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