Effective Poultry-Keeping Tips: Raise Healthy and Productive Birds
Raising healthy and productive poultry requires attention to their environment, nutrition, health, and general care. Here are some effective tips to help you succeed: 1. Housing and Environment Provide adequate space : Ensure proper space per bird to reduce stress and aggression. Crowding can lead to poor health and reduced productivity. Layers: ~1.5-2 sq. ft per bird indoors. Broilers: ~1 sq. ft per bird indoors. Maintain cleanliness : Regularly clean and disinfect housing to prevent disease buildup. Ventilation : Ensure good airflow to reduce ammonia and moisture levels. Temperature control : Provide heat for chicks (brooder temperature ~95°F at the start, reducing weekly). Use insulation to keep mature birds comfortable. 2. Nutrition Balanced feed : Provide commercial or custom-made feed rich in energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Nutritional needs vary: Starter feed: 18–20% protein for chicks. Grower feed: 16–18% protein for young birds. Layer feed: 16–18% protein with ad...