Network Marketing Vs a Store Front Business - Similarities and Differences

Network Marketing Vs a Store Front Business - Similarities and Differences [ad_1]
Are you thinking about starting a home based business but have not yet decided which business model to follow? Many people are turning to network marketing as opposed to a store front business, but are there really any differences?

Let's look at start up costs. Most MLM businesses can be started without too much of a financial investment whereas many traditional businesses typically require substantial input of capital. For those who do not have the cash, network marketing is the best route to take.

A problem occurs with the money aspect for many people entering the networking industry. They fail to realize that to build a successful business you will have to put money into your business. There are costs involved, although certainly not as high as those in traditional business.

If people are not prepared to invest some money into building their business then their chances of success will diminish. And this simple fact holds true for both business models. If you do not invest in building your business how will it grow?

Another comparison to make deals with the amount of time involved. Most people who start a store front business realize that they will have to spend a lot of time building their business. It seems to be understood. However, for those joining an MLM company the opposite seems to be true.

Most people seem to think that others will build their business for them. For this reason they believe that it does not require much of a time commitment. However, once reality sets in it is no wonder that so many people fail at building a successful networking business. They just do not put in the time.

Ask a successful net worker marketer how much time they put into building their business and you'll be surprised at the reply. Most successful business people, regardless of the business model, have worked many long hours to build their business. If you can not make the time commitment then think twice about starting any type of business.

So, just how different are the two business models with regards to investment of money and time? Certainly, most store front businesses require much more money than an MLM, but the fact remains that money is needed to build a successful business with either model.

As far as time is concerned, if you do not make the time commitment then no amount of money will build you a successful business. Beginners in network marketing have to face this fact.

There are differences and similarities with the two business models discussed here. You have to decide which one you will feel more comfortable with if you want to build a successful business.


Source by Scott Cameron


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