Message of Pope Francis: Healthy Marriage is based on forgiveness

This message is good for expected husbands and wives, parents, children, marriage couples, leaders and managers.

"There is no perfect family. 

We have no perfect parents, we are not perfect, do not get married to a perfect person, neither do we have perfect children. 

We have complaints about each other. 

We are disappointed by one another. 

Therefore, there is no healthy marriage or healthy family without the exercise of forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is vital to our emotional health and spiritual survival. 

Without forgiveness the family becomes a theater of conflict and a bastion of grievances. 

Without forgiveness the family becomes sick. 

Forgiveness is the sterilization of the soul, cleansing the mind and the liberation of the heart. 

Anyone who does not forgive  has no peace of soul and communion with God. 

Pain is a poison that intoxicates and kills. 

Maintaining a wound of the heart is a self-destructive action. It is an autophagy. 

He who does not forgive sickens physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

That is why the family must be a place of life and not of death; an enclave of cure not of disease; a stage of forgiveness and not of guilt. 

Forgiveness brings joy where sorrow produced pain; and healing, where pain caused disease."


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