Similarity Between Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay and an Article

Similarity Between Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay and an Article [ad_1]

The similarities between a five paragraph essay and an article are quite numerous but for the reason of this discussion just the relevant ones will be picked and discussed. An article is a piece of writing mostly nonfiction about the contemporary happenings in the society. It comes in various sizes of length and is usually for the newspaper, magazine, journals or books of reference.

A five paragraph essay is an essay that has all the ideas written and organized in five paragraphs. The essay is usually a prose and can be descriptive, argumentative, expository, imaginative, or analytical in nature, and usually from a personal view point. The similarities between writing a five paragraph essay and an article is that first an article contains paragraphs and an article may be five paragraphed. This simply means that both kinds of writing have their ideas developed sequentially in paragraphs following a logical sense of development of the idea and topic of discussion.

Another similarity is that both kinds of writings do not have address of both the writer and the person being written to in the case of an article. Since an article is for publication, it is normally assumed that it carries an address of the writer and the publisher, but that is only obtainable in letters. The same applies for an essay. Essays are mainly for students and for academic purposes; it does not require an address of the writer.

In addition to that, there are no salutations in both kinds of writing. There is no need for a "dear sir or ma" in a five paragraph essay nor in an article. The same goes for a complimentary conclusion. Hence the need for a "yours faithfully" is overruled in both kind of writing.

Both kinds of writing could have the same nature depending on the topic of discussion. That is they could both be descriptive, narrative, expository as the case maybe. An article as well as a five paragraph essay would have information to offer the reader, and could criticize an issue or try to persuade the reader with ideas on a particular issue.


Source by John Halas


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