What is Acute Sinusitis?

What is Acute Sinusitis?

Acute sinusitis is an uncomfortable and debilitating condition that comes with many symptoms. Some of these symptoms include puffy eyes, vision disturbances, grogginess, frontal headaches, facial pain, post nasal drip, sore throat and persistent cough.

People can develop a sinus infection if a common cold or viral influenza takes too long a time to heal. Nasal congestion is the main cause of the problem associated with both illnesses.

Poor ventilation of the sinuses is the result of nasal obstruction of the nasal passages and sinuses. The clogged-up sinuses provide the ideal breeding environment for bacteria and viruses to multiply. Bacterial sinusitis often develops when a person has a compromised immune system.

Classification of Sinusitis

1. Mild Sinusitis

2. Acute Sinusitis

3. Chronic Sinusitis

Sinusitis is considered mild if symptoms are not serious. Often, the patient is able to tolerate the minor discomforts experienced. In most cases, people are able to recover on their own without any medication.

Acute sinusitis occurs when a mild infection progresses to become more serious. This often means that the infection has become full blown causing a full spectrum of sinus infection symptoms which makes the person feel really sick.

Symptoms of Acute Sinusitis

1. Dull pain felt in the areas close to the infected sinuses.

When the frontal sinuses are affected, a dull ache in the region above the eyebrows are affected. There will be pain and tenderness associated in cheek area, in front of the cheekbones, when the maxillary sinuses are innfected.

2.Blocked nose and nasal obstruction. When the sinuses are infected, the mucosal lining becomes inflamed and this leads to abnormal production of thick mucus which has difficulty draining off.

3. Persistent cough. Increased levels of thick post nasal drip continues to drain down the throat.

4. Persistent sore throat. Prolonged episodes of coughing episodes caused by post nasal drip can lead to inflammation and bacterial infection of the throat.

5. Fever. Sometimes a fever can accompany acute sinusitis when there is a bacterial infection.

Treatment for Acute Sinusitis

Acute sinus infection normally involves prescription drugs prescribed by the doctor to control the symptoms of sinus infection. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine are often prescribed.

However, if there is a bacterial infection, antibiotics meant for treatment of sinusitis have to be prescribed as well. At times the Eustachian tubes may also be blocked blocked. A steroid nasal spray would be an effective medication to resolve this condition.

Of late, there have been many cases of chronic sinus infection which are not respond well to the latest medicines. Learn more about fungal sinusitis and how a simple home remedy for sinus infection can prevent this from happening to you.

Source by marcuswong


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