The Right Jobs for You

The Right Jobs for You [ad_1]
What job is right for me?

This is a question that many people ask themselves at school, university, when looking for a job and even once they are employed. However, there are many people that do not ask this question, seemingly content in the job they have even if they do not enjoy it. These people prefer to ignore that they are unhappy at work. These people suppress the urge to seek out jobs that they will find more satisfying, something that will make the drag of the 9-5 something exciting and challenging. If you are one of those people in the wrong job there is no point in condemning it. Deep down you know that you are wasting your time and energy in pursuit of a fulfillment which will never materialize.

The right jobs for you are the ones that give you the potential to have an enjoyable and fulfilling career. In truth there may be several jobs that are perfect for you and you may be able to find satisfaction in a range of jobs, across a spectrum of industries.

So how do you identify which jobs will best suit you?

Even after years of working, some people do not know what they want to do. Maybe you are one of these people? Perhaps you are not sure what you want to do but you know you do not like the job you have. You can start by taking a personality and career assessment test. Although these are often expensive and inaccurate, there are many free helpful internet resources available. These resources can suggest jobs that may be suitable for you and help narrow down an ideal job based on your personality.

Find out who you are. Knowing yourself will allow you to make better life decisions. Make a list of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Add your moods, reactions and responses to things that happen around you. Write down how your moods and emotions affect your state of mind. Examine how you interact with other people and how your environment affects you. Changing jobs and building a new career is easier if you know what your talents, strengths and skills are. Personality tests can also give you some insight into your perceived talents, skills and strengths but if you are honest when writing the list you might get a better idea of ​​who you really are.

Evaluate your current job. Opposite to the people who are complacent about their employment outlook there are those who are all too eager to switch jobs. On closer inspection you may realize that it is not the job you dislike but the environment or people that you dislike. Perhaps you are just board and want more responsibility. Is stead of switching professionals completely it might be beneficial to transfer your skills to a new company or different industry. Evaluating your job can help you decide if you should stick with it, change employers or change jobs completely.

Make things happen and stop procrastinating. (We can take this out it's not very professional but I like it). We all do it. We decide we want something or we do not want something. We wait for a sign, someone to tell us what to do, the chance that the dreams and hopes we have will just happen. The truth is things do not just happen by themselves, if you want something you need to go out and get it.

If you are interested in changing jobs but unsure if it is the right move. Do not just jump in, test the water first. If you want to be a vet, volunteer at the SPCA. If you want to be a dancer, join a dance class. Sign up to an industry specific forum, so you can learn and get advice from likeminded people. Network with professionals, colleges, contacts and friends to gain from their knowledge and experience. Research the skills or education you will need to switch jobs. Make sure you know the requirements and are satisfied that you will enjoy and excel in your new found profession.

Essentially you need to find out if you are any good at your desired job. Perhaps the fantasy of a certain job is different to the reality. Nothing is more unfulfilling than being bad at a job and knowing it. Becoming actively involved in directing your life and not waiting for it to happen, means you can keep your learning potential while you find out if this is what you really want.

Every journey begins with a single step. Ultimately you need to make that decision, you need to take that first step and make things happen. Start exploring your options, think about what you really want to do. Dream big and find a way to get there. When you retire and you look back at your live, you do not want to think of you work as a job but rather a career.


Source by Jennifer Mathews


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