Changing VO2max by Breathing Differently at Rest
VO2max is the key factor in athletic endurance. Currently it is the best predictor of performance in many sports. However, only a very few people know that VO2max is tightly linked with the breathing pattern and body oxygenation of the athlete at rest. Hence, if the athlete changes their unconscious breathing pattern at rest, his VO2max will also change. Patients with heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, and many other diseases have low body oxygen content 24/7. They suffer from tissue hypoxia (low oxygenation), excessive anaerobic metabolism, and high blood lactate already at rest. Hence, when they have even light exercise, anaerobic energy production sharply increases, lactate quickly rises, and experiences of pain and physical exhaustion are the outcomes. Oxygen delivery cascade (from outer air to body cells) and tissue oxygenation depend on our breathing. How? Hundreds of physiological studies proved that the more we b...